Archive for June, 2014

Footloose and Fancy Free

What’s next for this author?  Why, a short story that I intend to submit to the Writers of the Future contest.  Due to the nature of this contest, I will not be able to share any updates or excerpts.  When I am finished with this little gem, however, I will be revising The Road to Min Yaarif and likely sharing that bloody-sweet little story in its entirety.  Stay tuned!


Jai tu wai,



The Neverend

I’ve been gone a lot lately.

I had a book to finish, you see…

The End


I would like to thank my lovely and talented beta reader, Kristine Alden; without her love and encouragement, I’d still be stuck at .002% and crying into my beer.

I would also like to thank my beloved children, who are still under the illusion that their mother knows what the hell she’s doing.

Jai tu wai, folks…